Back to the topic, as told by Ana Haziqah,Nadiah dan refer jugak pada blog2 kawan2 untuk week 2 ni, untuk week 2 ni Dr. Zaidatun mulakan kelas dengan menerangkan mengenai Dynamic and Statistic Websites.
Static Website
- static
- delivered directly from server which are stored to the browser that has accessed the site.
- no change in a static site because components of the site which are information and design are both hard-wired into pages of site and stored in the server waiting for the browser to called Up
- pros of static site:
- quick to develop
- cheap to develop
- cheap to maintain (little storage)
- cons of static site:
- even simple updates or alterations, require a payed professional
- can quickly become stagnant as little or none of the contents change.
- functionality is limited.
Dynamic Website
- provide browser with potentially variable experience each time visit the site.
- content can easily changed by admin (elements hard-wired into page while content stored separately)
- actual coded pages are like empty envelope and these envelopes drawn from database.
- owners can manages information in database
- pros of dynamic website:
- updates and alterations can be done quickly
- contents relevant and fresh
- increase functionality
- provide owner with real-time direct communications.
- cons of dynamic website
- take more expertise and time to develop
- costly
Mudah dan ringkas kan? Ini adalah pengetahuan asas untuk static dan dynamic website. Selain dari ini, kawan-kawan ade explain jugak mengenai beza antara PHP and ASP. Dua languges ini akan digunakan di dalam kelas nanti. Kalau nak lebih faham bagaimana dua languages ni and apa sebenarnya perbezaannya, tunggu next class la ye~ :D
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